I think we need an intervention because as the book says we might just maybe have too many toys. Especially since these are just some of the toys from the playroom and there are still toys in their rooms and our living room...not to mention the big climber slide in our dinning room and ummm a few
Thursday, April 7, 2011
we are lacking toys in this household
Today is Thursday and it's our weekly clean the playroom day. We don't clean up the playroom any other day. Toys just get randomly tossed in the playroom during the week and by Thursday the room is a nice mess. Why do we clean it Thursday sometimes friday morning in a mad rush??? Well we clean it then b/c Mrs. Michelle our speech therapist comes Friday morning. And I like it nice and tidy for her so she can teach my sweet babies to talk in a clean room and be able to find things she needs. We don't clean it again during the week because for some reason my kids just can't stand a nice and tidy room. If they see it all clean they start to empty baskets bins etc until it's back to a mess where they can find things more easily or something like that.

I think we need an intervention because as the book says we might just maybe have too many toys. Especially since these are just some of the toys from the playroom and there are still toys in their rooms and our living room...not to mention the big climber slide in our dinning room and ummm a fewtoo many I've lost count tubs in the attic. Why do we have tubs of toys in our attic??? Oh just in case there is ever a shortage of toys we like to keep a stock pile up there. (really we try to rotate out toys every few months) Anyway as I was saying we are lacking toys in this household. If they ever make a show called Toy Hoarders Buried Alive we would NEVER be considered for that show we have a lack of toys here :)

I think we need an intervention because as the book says we might just maybe have too many toys. Especially since these are just some of the toys from the playroom and there are still toys in their rooms and our living room...not to mention the big climber slide in our dinning room and ummm a few