Anyway yesterday afternoon I went to get a few things at the store and brought Sage with me. I don't usually have just him with me so it was nice to shop with only him. I decided to let him pick out a toy....any toy he wanted. We looked up and down all the toy aisles searching for the toy that Sage might want. I showed him all kinds of toys and we even put some in the basket for awhile.
What do you think Sage picked out of all the toys at the store???
Go ahead take a guess......
Coloring book and markers!!! Gosh I love this kid :)
Believe it or not I didn't have my camera with me (well at least not my big camera that is) I did have my phone so I took these pictures of him coloring while I did some shopping.
Sage if you could try to color only in your new gigantic coloring book instead of my walls, floors, dressers, etc....that would be great! :)