My lil man is growing up so fast! Daxton lost his very first tooth! He's been worried about that loose tooth for the the last few weeks and when it finally came out he was a little upset. Thankfully he got over it quickly and started to be excited that the tooth fairy was going to come!
It was almost like the night before Christmas in this house, we were all excited! So we put his lil tooth under his pillow and he went to sleep! I ordered a tooth fairy pillow online but it didn't make it in least it will be here for the next tooth!
He woke up a little groggy but when I reminded him about his tooth… he woke up fast and got excited!
Daxton doesn't have a huge concept of money. He kinda knows what it is and why we need it but he doesn't get the difference between a penny and a dollar. So we decided not to just leave money and get him something he would really love.
I'm so happy we decided to do that b/c he didn't even notice the dollar bills at all and when I said look the tooth fairy even left you some money he told me Sage can have that! lol!
Dax trying to show me where his tooth is missing...
He is so funny! And after checking out his stuff from the tooth fairy he said let's go see what she brought Sage! I told him Sage didn't lose a tooth so she didn't bring him anything and he said ok let's go pull his tooth then!
I love you lil man!!! You are growing up way too fast! I'm enjoying every minute of watching you grow and learn!
When I first decided I wanted to put Chloe in pageants someone told me they would NEVER put their little girl in pageants because she said she knows her little girl is the cutest little girl ever and she doesn't need a judge to tell her that. That statement really shocked me. I had never ever even thought of it like that. Of course I think Chloe is adorable and I wasn't putting her in pageants to see if she was cute or for someone to tell me she was cute. That really made me wonder how many people think that way.
We have done several pageants now. She has placed and won different things. She's even won Princess and Queen! I love doing pageants! This weekend we did two pageants and Chloe didn't place at either pageant but guess what....we still had fun! You win some and you lose some...that's just how it works. Jordan asked me if we were going to quit now because she didn't place and the answer to that is heck NO! Why would we quit?!?!? Would you quit playing baseball or any other sport because you lost a few games? Of course it's even more exciting when we win but it's fun no matter what.
Pageants are something I get to do with Chloe that is girly and fun! It's something that my sisters and my mom and even my granny get to be involved in and enjoy too :) We get to meet lots of different people and even make new friends!
I think Chloe likes it because she gets lots of extra attention, she gets to play with new little friends, and she gets shiny pretty things to play with and chew on.
We plan on doing pageants until Chloe doesn't want to do them anymore. I'm not sure if that will be only for a few more months or a few more years but we are enjoying it while it lasts :)
We bought it from Daxton's Occupational Therapist around the time he got diagnosed with autism. Even though it's for children with sensory issues. I think every child should have one of these in their house :)
We've had it for several years now and the zipper on the inside ripped so we had to put it up for awhile. Well Grammie recently fixed it and Sage is enjoying swinging and playing in it again.