Ok I'm not usually good with finishing photo a day challenges. I completely bombed the 365 last year but when I saw this photo a day for March I thought it looked like so much fun so I'm taking a leap (hehe) and I'm going to attempt to do it.
MARCH PHOTO A DAY CHALLENGE!! directions:: each day there is a different challenge word or words to photograph. you can interpret these words however you wish!! it's however you want to see it. you can take these photos with your cameras, your phone, your ipad, your kid's camera....it doesn't matter! you can post them to your facebook page, your blog, or just keep them to yourself. the point is to just have FUN!!! If you miss a day, it's okay!! try and get it the next day. no pressure. all fun!! i hope you will join us and play along! If you are planning on playing we would love for you to 'share' this photo and invite your friends to join it too!