Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for so many things! I have 2 beautiful boys who are my entire world! A wonderful husband who is a great Daddy and provides for our family! I'm having a sweet little baby girl in about a month and I couldn't be more thankful for that too! Besides those wonderful 4 people, I have amazing parents and sisters that are my best friends! Again just so thankful for everything I have and all the people in my life. Thank you Lord!!!
Yesterday I was able to get Daxton to take his first dose of Vyvanse. He took the entire 20mg capsule. This morning he took it again. I really hope we can keep getting him to take it so we can see if this will work for him.
I'm baking an apple pie to take to Aunt Lisa's house and when it's finished we are off to spend time with family for Thanksgiving. I think this afternoon we are going to the Hamilton's house so a busy busy day. Oh did I mention that we are pulling an all nighter tonight for Black Friday shopping :) It should be interesting lol!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
That's her name :) Our new baby girl's name is going to be Chloe. We still need to pick out a middle name but as you know I'm picky and can't find something that I really love.
We are all ready for Miss Chloe to get here!! Her room is all done now (well I still want to add a few things here and there lol but it's mostly done)
What do you think? We LOVE it! Jordan thinks it's wayyy to much pink but I wouldn't have it any other way :)
Sage thinks it's pretty great too!!
And he likes her balloon too!! :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Yep another few months have pasted and I haven't blogged! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to keep up with this blog lol! We have been busy busy and hopefully over the next week I will update on here.
Anyway tomorrow we are going to start Daxton on an ADHD med called Vyvanse. He is completely off of the Risperdal and has been for way over a month now. So far I've noticed no major changes in him which is a good thing. I'm a little nervous about starting a new med but I think it's normal to feel that way. I'm praying it works for him and helps him.
We will see.....
Anyway tomorrow we are going to start Daxton on an ADHD med called Vyvanse. He is completely off of the Risperdal and has been for way over a month now. So far I've noticed no major changes in him which is a good thing. I'm a little nervous about starting a new med but I think it's normal to feel that way. I'm praying it works for him and helps him.
We will see.....
Friday, September 11, 2009
Over a MONTH!!
Yep I'm a terrible blogger! It's official! It's been over a month since I've last posted but I'm not giving up. I'm determined that one day I'll be able to blog everyday or at least close to it :) So what's happened in the last month. Well we went on a little vacation to Galveston. We had a great time and I took alot of great pictures. I'll post some soon. We also found out that we are having a BABY GIRL!!!! Can you believe that?!?! I still can hardly believe it. Needless to say I'm on cloud 9 and having so much fun buying girl clothes. We painted her room pink and bought a crib! I'm still working on decorating it and getting it all ready for her. Let's see what else....Oh Daxton started pre-k and he's loving it so far. He has a great teacher and I'm excited to see all the things he learns this year. We about to change up his medicine and possible add another in the next few months. I'm really nervous about it but we need to figure out what will work best for Dax. I pray that oneday we won't be on any medicine at all but until then we have to find what works. I'll post more on that later. Anyway Sage is getting so big!! 15 months already! He isn't talking at all not one word so yesterday Early Steps came out to start the evaluation process. I really do not think he has autism but I know no matter what early intervention is the key so I'm staying on top of it. The lady will be calling soon to set up the 2nd appt and I'm anxious to see what happens then. Other than not talking Sage is doing great he's running all over the place and getting into everything.
Well now we are up to date hopefully I can keep it that way :)
Well now we are up to date hopefully I can keep it that way :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pizza, Pizza, Pizza
We had a great day today! We drove to Lafayette to the Incredible Pizza. It was me and the boys, Mom, Tyler, Tanya, Calvin, and Tomi. We got there right at noon and didn't get home until almost 8pm. The boys had a blast well really all of us did.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Brew Ha Ha
Today was the Brew Ha Ha festival for the St. Nicholas Center. Daxton goes to ABA therapy there. In April the building burned. They were on the third floor of the Children's Museum. Only the first floor where the fire started had major damage or so they thought at first. We were told we would start back therapy in a few weeks after they cleaned up from the smoke damage. Well the smoke damage was way worse than they thought and they lost everything. The entire building is now being gutted and redone. We are in a temp building by St. Pat's hospital right now. Anyway they had a festival today to raise money to replace everything that was lost and also help with the cost of therapy. It started at 2pm and mom, Aunt Lisa, Jordan, Tanya, Calvin, and Aunt Pam all came and helped out. We set up a booth to sell our raffle tickets. All the kids at the center are selling raffle tickets to help raise money for therapy. Everything we sell 100% of the profit goes into our account for our childs therapy. They are $5 a ticket and the prize is 6 LSU-Florida game tickets and tailgate stuff. Me and the boys walked around the festival and sat at the booth. It was soo hot! They never really had alot of ppl at the festival I guess b/c it was so hot. Daxton had fun though. They had face painting, a jump, pony rides. He stayed in the jump most of the time. Jana and Travis came and so him and Travis played. Hollie and Paislie came and so did Kayla and Isaac :) We left about 6:30 but the festival wasn't over until 10pm. The boys were exhausted and both fell asleep early.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Big 25
Yep that's right I'm 25 today!
Today me and the boys stayed at the house and played for most of the morning. Then we went over to mom and dad's for the rest of the day. We had cake and ice cream for my birthday :) Later that night Jordan watched the boys and me, my mom, and Tyler went to the movies. We saw The Proposel it was a good movie!
It was a really good birthday, still can't believe I'm half way to 30! ekkk!
Today me and the boys stayed at the house and played for most of the morning. Then we went over to mom and dad's for the rest of the day. We had cake and ice cream for my birthday :) Later that night Jordan watched the boys and me, my mom, and Tyler went to the movies. We saw The Proposel it was a good movie!
It was a really good birthday, still can't believe I'm half way to 30! ekkk!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy B-day Tanya!
Today we brought Daxton to my mom's house to play and me, Tyler and Sage went shopping for Tanya's birthday. Then went to mom's and had cake for her. Mom and Dad watched the boys and Tyler, Thomas, Tanya, Calvin, Jordan and me all went to O'Charley's and ate. I think Tanya enjoyed it.
Daxton is doing amazing with potty training! He's finally using the potty inside. I don't have to ask him if he needs to go potty he just goes on his own. We still haven't done #2 but I know that will come later. I'm just so proud of him.
Daxton is doing amazing with potty training! He's finally using the potty inside. I don't have to ask him if he needs to go potty he just goes on his own. We still haven't done #2 but I know that will come later. I'm just so proud of him.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Baby Baby
Yesterday was my OB appt. He did an ultrasound and everything looks great!! Our baby bean has grown into a baby :) It's amazing that at only 12wks it's a fully formed baby or at least appears to be. We didn't plan this baby like we did our other two. This is our lil surprise and now that I'm over the initial shock of it all I feel so blessed to be having another baby and didn't have to TRY to get pregnant. I think until you have trouble getting pregnant you don't realize how amazing just getting pregnant is. I'm glad I finally got to experience that :) Hoping to find out what we are having in a few weeks.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Outside Potty

This morning we woke up and got ready for to go to the water park. I was hoping to wake up early and go to the free swim at 8am. It's so hot that 8am would be a nice time to swim. Of course we didn't make that and the waterpark doesn't open until 10. Mom, Tanya, and Camryn came with us. We only stayed about an hour and a half but the kids had fun. Both of my boys were tired and fussy. I was hoping to get the boys to take a nap when we got home b/c we had a b-day party at 3 but of course my kids didn't fall asleep until about 2pm and we missed the party. Anyway we just stayed at the house watched tv the rest of the day.
Day 2 of Potty Training and still no pee or poo in the potty but he went outside several times. He seems like he's starting to understand that he can go. Hopefully once he gets use to this we can get him to use the inside potty but for now it's outside potty.
Tonight me mom, Tanya, Camryn and Tyler all went to the movies and saw My Sister's Keeper. It was a good movie. We all cried like babies :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Potty Training Day 1
I know I know we just took the paci from him last week but I wanted to try to potty train him during the summer. I would rather me be able to do it and not have to worry about his teacher at school doing it. Anyway he's going to ESY(summer school) and next week they don't have school. I decided to cancel all his therapy for next week to and just see how he does. If he isn't ready then we will try again in a few months. Today we just stayed in underware and no pullups and I tried to make him go sit on the potty often. No luck getting him to go in the potty but he did pee outside!!!! He was really excited about it and so I think that's a start.
We went to my parents house that afternoon My dad cooked and the kids swam.
We went to my parents house that afternoon My dad cooked and the kids swam.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
He's walking!
Sage started walking today! He's been walking on furniture, holding your hand or pushing behind a toy, but this morning he just got up and walked across the living room. It's funny to see him walking like that. All throughout the day today he would get up and walk but for the most part he's still crawling. It's almost like he doesn't even know he is actually walking.
Daxton is talking so much more I just can't believe it. He's being able to tell me so much more and I love it! His lil personality is coming out with being able to communicate more. I have such high hopes for him. He's come so far and I can't wait to see how far he will continue to go. I know God is working in his life and has something special for his future.
Yesterday we had a great day. Dax went to school and Jordan, me and Sage ran errands and ended up getting new cell phones. It's been awhile since me and Jordan bought new phones. Ours didn't even have internet I felt like we were behind( lol) Anyway new phones are definately up to date with the works :) That afternoon Jordan kept Sage and me and Dax went swimming with Jana and Travis. Daxton loves swimming in the big inground pool with Travis. I love it too! It's nice to stay cool in this hot weather AND get a tan.
Today we stayed home most of the morning and then after Daxton was finished with speech we went to my parents house and the boys swam. Dax swam with Blade and Jazer in the pool and I set up a little pool on the porch for Sage. He loved it!
Daxton is talking so much more I just can't believe it. He's being able to tell me so much more and I love it! His lil personality is coming out with being able to communicate more. I have such high hopes for him. He's come so far and I can't wait to see how far he will continue to go. I know God is working in his life and has something special for his future.
Yesterday we had a great day. Dax went to school and Jordan, me and Sage ran errands and ended up getting new cell phones. It's been awhile since me and Jordan bought new phones. Ours didn't even have internet I felt like we were behind( lol) Anyway new phones are definately up to date with the works :) That afternoon Jordan kept Sage and me and Dax went swimming with Jana and Travis. Daxton loves swimming in the big inground pool with Travis. I love it too! It's nice to stay cool in this hot weather AND get a tan.
Today we stayed home most of the morning and then after Daxton was finished with speech we went to my parents house and the boys swam. Dax swam with Blade and Jazer in the pool and I set up a little pool on the porch for Sage. He loved it!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bye bye paci
Well we made it almost 72 hours without a paci. Can you believe that? Daxton was starting to want his paci at all times and so I decided we should try to take it away. He's understanding so much more so we told him that the paci fairy wanted his paci and she would bring him a present. (not sure how much of that he understood) Anyway he helped me put all of his pacifiers in a gift back and we hung the back outside. Him and Daddy swam and then a few hours later we went and looked in the bag. He was really excited to see his 2 new video games that the paci fairy left him but then put his hands over his face and said "Oh no what a do?" "My paci!!!" He really didn't even cry just whine about it. And of course has been asking me a hundred times a day for one.
Then just when I thought we might have seen the last of Daxton's paci guess what he found in the couch tonight? I didn't say anything and just let him fall asleep with it. Hopefully this doesn't set us back.
Then just when I thought we might have seen the last of Daxton's paci guess what he found in the couch tonight? I didn't say anything and just let him fall asleep with it. Hopefully this doesn't set us back.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Let's catch up
Ok I'm determined to blog everyday! Right now it would be nice to at least blog once a week. Either way let me try to update.
Daxton~He is doing so good! I wish I would have been blogging these last few months because he has changed so much. He is talking in sentences and understanding so much more. He had a seizure in December. He had it at school and it only lasted a few minutes. The school ended up calling 911 b/c he went to sleep afterward and they thought he was having trouble breathing. He was fine at the hospital and went home a few hours later. About 2 weeks ago he had another seizure (or at least I think it was another one) It didn't last very long maybe 30-60seconds. They checked his Keppra levels and they came back on the low side so they increased his dose. Daxton had a great year at school. Right now he's going to extended school year (summer school) It's Monday-Thursday 9a-12p. I'm glad we decided to do it b/c I really think it will help him be ready for the next school year. He seems to be loving it too! Right now Daxton goes to speech twice a week for 30min with Mrs. M and then to ABA therapy twice a week. He is still on risperdal and the clonidine and of course the keppra. His behaviors are so much better. He still has his moments but I think it's a major improvement!
Sage~My baby is 1 years old! I can't believe it! He only has his two bottom teeth, so cute! He's trying to walk. He stands and walks the furniture and with his push toys and he has taken a few steps. I'm in no hurry for him to walk though. He sleeps in his own bed and doesn't even take a bottle during the night. This is very new for me b/c Daxton still sleeps with us and wakes up during the night. Sage loves to eat! He eats everything and would love to eat all day. He still refuses to drink out of a cup but just learned last night how to suck out of a straw. He is a little water bug like Daxton and could stay outside all day.
Baby #3~Yes we are pregnant again! I found out the day after Mother's day, May 11th. This is our first surprise baby and is due January 15, 2010. I'm 10 weeks right now.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I'll continue to update as I remember new stuff.
Daxton~He is doing so good! I wish I would have been blogging these last few months because he has changed so much. He is talking in sentences and understanding so much more. He had a seizure in December. He had it at school and it only lasted a few minutes. The school ended up calling 911 b/c he went to sleep afterward and they thought he was having trouble breathing. He was fine at the hospital and went home a few hours later. About 2 weeks ago he had another seizure (or at least I think it was another one) It didn't last very long maybe 30-60seconds. They checked his Keppra levels and they came back on the low side so they increased his dose. Daxton had a great year at school. Right now he's going to extended school year (summer school) It's Monday-Thursday 9a-12p. I'm glad we decided to do it b/c I really think it will help him be ready for the next school year. He seems to be loving it too! Right now Daxton goes to speech twice a week for 30min with Mrs. M and then to ABA therapy twice a week. He is still on risperdal and the clonidine and of course the keppra. His behaviors are so much better. He still has his moments but I think it's a major improvement!
Sage~My baby is 1 years old! I can't believe it! He only has his two bottom teeth, so cute! He's trying to walk. He stands and walks the furniture and with his push toys and he has taken a few steps. I'm in no hurry for him to walk though. He sleeps in his own bed and doesn't even take a bottle during the night. This is very new for me b/c Daxton still sleeps with us and wakes up during the night. Sage loves to eat! He eats everything and would love to eat all day. He still refuses to drink out of a cup but just learned last night how to suck out of a straw. He is a little water bug like Daxton and could stay outside all day.
Baby #3~Yes we are pregnant again! I found out the day after Mother's day, May 11th. This is our first surprise baby and is due January 15, 2010. I'm 10 weeks right now.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I'll continue to update as I remember new stuff.
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